The Programmable Nature of the Human Mind

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The video discusses the programmable nature of human beings, explaining that our minds can be programmed through symbols, language, trauma, and various methods like television, education, religion, and rituals. It explores both positive programming for self-improvement and negative programming for control and manipulation. The video encourages viewers to examine their beliefs, habits, and sources of programming, and to consciously remove harmful ones while cultivating beneficial ones.



00:00:04 Introduction to Human Programmability

The video introduces the concept that human beings are programmable like computers, with our minds being shaped by beliefs, thought patterns, and habits. It explains that we are programmed through archetypal symbols and language, and that trauma increases our susceptibility to programming.

00:01:37 Extent of Programming in Human Behavior

The video suggests that a significant portion of human behavior, potentially over 90%, is automated by subconscious programming. It highlights the importance of conscious awareness in intercepting and accepting or rejecting programming based on free will.

00:04:13 Positive Aspects of Programming

The video discusses the benefits of beneficial programming, such as cultivating self-esteem, activating higher consciousness, achieving goals, learning skills, and mastering complex abilities. It explains how programming allows us to operate efficiently without being overwhelmed by conscious awareness of every action.

00:05:57 Negative Aspects of Programming

The video explores the dark side of programming, including television, hypnosis, public education, pop culture, mainstream news, manipulation of language, religion, sexual ritual abuse, and chaos sorcery (like 9/11 and the COVID-19 pandemic). It explains how these methods are used for control and manipulation.

00:12:30 Effects of Mind Control Programming

The video discusses the effects of mind control programming, such as creating imbalances in brain dominance, leading to low self-esteem, violence, limiting beliefs, obedience to authority, mental laziness, anxiety, depression, and being easily controllable and triggered.

00:15:14 Personal Experience and Homework Assignment

The video presenter shares their personal experience of lacking parental guidance and programming during childhood, leading to mental chaos. They describe their journey of deprogramming themselves from harmful influences and becoming sovereign over their mind. The video concludes with a homework assignment for viewers to examine their beliefs, habits, and sources of programming, and consciously remove or replace harmful ones.


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